
Archive for the ‘Thoughtful Thursday’ Category




I cut myself on a clove of garlic today…

That’s just how weird and arbitrary life can be sometimes…

It stung with the garlic oil…

The cat thought the whole thing was odd…

But the chili it went into was good…

Now, I sit here with a strange hole in the palm of my hand…

One no band-aid will cover…

And I contemplate…

Would a garlic puncture be a mortal wound to a vampire…?

Life is just weird sometimes…

Or maybe it’s just me…





A true life story from my kitchen…




Image and words… by Cicely Robin Laing © 2014

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The world is full of scary things…

It’s also full of realized dreams…

Both of nightmares and bliss…

And all of these are gifts…

If you want to fly…

Learn to love the fall…

You cannot reach the heights…

With your feet planted firmly on the ground…

Let go…

And see where the wings of your thoughts will take you…

Let the wind of chance play…

And when you fall…

Let it happen…

You may land somewhere unexpected and new…





One feather at a time…
I love the feeling of flying… falling…
Every plan has potential… of success and failure…
Every attempt is glorious…
Every well earned bruise part of living life to the fullest…
There is no true success without risk…
And every failure is its own accomplishment…
After all, a crash landing is still a landing…. right?

…. and I’m thankful for that…



Words and Image by Cicely Robin Laing © 2014

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I’m ready for Life to stop throwing random things at me…
or at least slow it down a bit…

It’s all fuzzy and cuteness… until it’s flying at your face…




November has started without me…
The family crisis that interrupted my daily art project in October continues. I am overwhelmed and really wishing for “my mommy”… but that miracle of having someone come along and fix all my problems is not going to happen… So, I’ll settle for an occational hug from a friend… and just keep going forward as best I can.

I also have to accept that it’s okay to be cranky and tired…

…… I will post nonsense here when I can… and hope that the future hands me a life where I get more time for my silly art…

……………. and does anyone know how to teach kittens not to jump up on kitchen counters?

…………………………………………….. *sigh* …………………………….

……………………………………………………………. one just bit my toe…




Cicely Robin Laing © 2014


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Multi-tasking is a myth…
When the world throws a rainstorm at you, sometimes you just have to take cover…
And let the drops land where they may…



Why can’t I get everything done?
My artwork, my writing, my laundry, my acting, my teaching, my parenting, my homeschooling, eating, sleeping, breathing, this blog….
Every thing I NEED to get done…
Is an excuse for the OTHER thing I didn’t get done…

I feel like I’ve been trying to juggle raindrops…
Every little thing thrown my way, I’ve tried to catch and do something with…
I try to……………
Learn something…
Control something…
Help something…
Accomplish something…
Document something…
Play with something…
Notice something…
Remember something…
Acknowledge something…
Realize something…
Judge something…
Love something…

And most of all… Do SOMETHING that makes it appear that I know what I’m doing…

What a perfect path for failure…… No one can juggle that many raindrops…

And if you try too hard… in the end all you get is wet… and too tired and distracted to see the rainbow…

I’m ready to get wet…
Ready to enjoy the rainbow…
So, go on world… keep dropping those raindrops…
My sun’s coming out either way….





Image and words by Cicely Robin Laing © 2014



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When I’ve been naughty…

They Say “You’d better fly right!”…

but I have no wings…

When I’ve taken the long way to get to where I am…

They Say “You’re wasting time!”…

but I’ve enjoyed my long journey…

When I’ve strayed from the path they would have me choose…

They Say “You’d better straighten out!”…

but the road before me is full of forks and curves…

When I lay on my back and contemplate the clouds…


but… I am doing something all the time… and right now…

When I refuse to argue… but still do as I like…

THEY shake their heads and SIGH…

 I can’t help but wonder…


 Haven’t THEY anything better to do…?




Going straight ahead… is not the same as going forward…


Day 25 of my September project… “Thoughtful Thursday” … a day to reflect on reflecting…



September’s different themes for each day of the week:
“Macro Monday”
“Tale Spin Tuesday”
“Whatever Wednesday”
“Thoughtful Thursday”
“Family Friday”
“Caturday Saturday”
& “Seriously Silly Sunday”


Image and words by Cicely Robin Laing © 2014


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Long days…

Tired hearts…

Weary souls…

Need cool waters…

A place to dip the toes…




No matter how hard the days are… you have to find a way to take care of yourself…

Today is one of those days… and this is one way I take care of myself…

I hope you have your own “cool water”…


Day 18 of my September project… today is “Thoughtful Thursday…”


September’s different themes for each day of the week:
“Macro Monday”
“Tale Spin Tuesday”
“Whatever Wednesday”
“Thoughtful Thursday”
“Family Friday”
“Caturday Saturday”
& “Seriously Silly Sunday”


Image and words by Cicely Robin Laing © 2014




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I was thinking today… what could I be thoughtful about… for “Thoughtful Thursday”

I sat there a little while… and I started thinking about thoughts…

Thinking about thoughts is a thoughtful way of thinking… and leads to thoughts worth thinking about…

Then as I sat there a little longer… a stray thought came to me…

We often accuse people of being thoughtless…

But this isn’t true…

These people are full of thoughts… They are just not the thoughts WE want them to have…

They may be thinking about themselves… or what they need or want…

And those thoughts are usually followed by actions that we don’t like…

And so the call them thoughtless… because they are not having the thoughts we want!


That’s what I thought about…




That may mean I have just been really thoughtless…


Day 11 of my September project… “Thoughtful Thursday” …


September’s different themes for each day of the week:
“Macro Monday”
“Tale Spin Tuesday”
“Whatever Wednesday”
“Thoughtful Thursday”
“Family Friday”
“Caturday Saturday”
& “Seriously Silly Sunday”


Image and words by Cicely Robin Laing © 2014


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Yesterday, I read an article about Emma Sulkowicz, a Columbia student who has created a performance art piece in response to being raped in her dorm room. And how the fact that her attacker still goes free, in fact, he goes to the same school she attends. She has come up with a beautiful way of expressing her struggle. I won’t try to explain it here, as hearing it in her own words is better. (Here is a link to the original article and the video of Emma…) I’ll just say that the art piece involves carrying around her dorm room mattress everywhere. I like what she is doing. I understand it. I relate to it.

For me, that mattress becomes a representation of the lost security, the burden of the rape, and a reminder to everyone that even though we don’t talk about it… or deal with it… or find resolution from it or for it… rape is ever present. How we deal with that fact… is both personal and societal.

As I watch Emma carrying that mattress next to her body, I just think how many of us are also carrying our own “mattresses”?  In my head… a vivid scene pops up… I imagine a crowd full of people all carrying their own private “mattresses”. I imagine a business office with a smart dressed successful professional running a meeting with a mattress on her back. A teacher teaching a class… a police officer… a army officer… a movie star… a stay at home parent… all going about their lives with the burden of a mattress. Can you see it?

Maybe you know someone who carries one…
Perhaps you carry one…
I do…

After watching Emma carry hers so publicly… it makes me think. I may be lucky, I don’t feel particularly burdened by mine. I have had so many knock downs in my life that I just have to get back up and keep going. I don’t give it the power to take away from my life. I want to be the one in control of me. I suppose every once in a while, I trip over the edge of my mattress. When that happens, I stop and think, then I go on… I don’t feel the need for help carrying it. It doesn’t define who I am…

Then I think about Emma… and all the others who might still need help. What if… what if we could see all the mattresses being carried? What if others could see that I carry one too… would it help? Would it make carrying their own just a little bit easier?




Day 4 of my September project.

Today is “Thoughtful Thursday” …  just a little bit of a response to something that made me think… A little thinking can be a dangerous thing…


September’s different themes for each day of the week:
“Macro Monday”
“Tale Spin Tuesday”
“Whatever Wednesday”
“Thoughtful Thursday”
“Family Friday”
“Caturday Saturday”
& “Seriously Silly Sunday”


Image and words by Cicely Robin Laing © 2014


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